about citypath

A care network for twenty-somethings in RDU

Note from Andrew, Citypath Director: Citypath is currently on break until October for summer + a three-month sabbatical for my family and myself. We can’t wait to see you soon when we return. In the meantime, continue to read below to learn about us and sign up for our newsletter to get our communications.

Are you new to RDU? Or wanting to connect more with people in your life stage? Wrestling with God, wanting to know Him deeper, or trying to discern His plans for you? Looking for a place to process being a young adult in the city?

Citypath exists to care for you while you are here, however long that may be. Whether you are a recent grad, working, in grad school, or still figuring it out, we invite you to join us as we journey through the city together.


Meetups: Every second sunday evening of the month, gather together with other twenty-somethings in RDU for dinner, socializing, and a discussion topic on an issue relevant to be being a young adult. See meetup dates here.

Mentorship: We all need someone to walk alongside us in life. And this life-stage can be deceptively lonely if we aren’t proactive. Do you desire mentorship? That looks different for everyone. We offer mentorship in many varieties. Shoot us an email if you would like to explore this with us.


Relationships: Post-grad life can be lonely, therefore this is as much about conversation as it is information. Mentorship and relationship are of the highest value in citypath.

Context: Citypath is specifically designed for you and the place you’ve been sent. Young adults often feel stuck between two life stages: No longer students but not yet mid-career or starting a family. Citypath seeks to bridge the gap and offer wisdom and resources that are precisely for this life crossroads.

The Greatness of Christ: We want the glory of God to shine brighter both in our own lives and through our lives into our cities. Citypath hopes to be a part of your spiritual journey towards that end: that, by grace and over time, the greatness of Christ would take further hold in not only in your self but in RDU and beyond.


Is citypath a “residential intensive” post-grad program? No. We desire to compliment your newfound realities of life: a full-time jobs, internships, residencies, grad programs, and new neighbors. Designed with a light touch, it intentionally seeks to aid in your involvement in your local church and commitment to your callings, not detract.  

Who is citypath for? Citypath is for any twenty-something in the RDU area who has finished their undergraduate degree and is in the workplace, graduate school, or young adulthood.

What sort of topics are covered in our group gatherings? Topics include: Discerning my calling, faith and work, the art of neighboring, contextualizing the Gospel for a city, navigating relationships, investing in a local church, what the Bible says about race and justice, a theology of place, & more.

Where do I start? Can I just… show up? Absolutely. Shoot us an email and we can share the location of our next meetup with you. (Or grab coffee and chat.)

Who/what is funding citypath? Citypath is a part of the Embark Network of Cru City and is led by Andrew and Jeanette White. It is entirely funded by like-minded individuals, churches, and organizations.

about us

Andrew and Jeanette White
We have been on staff with Cru, an international ministry organization, since the mid-2000’s and currently live and serve in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. We have three girls, Madelyn, Anna Lewis, and Olivia. Formerly serving in Cru’s campus ministry at Clemson University, East Asia, and the University of North Carolina, we currently serve in a
city-wide role with Cru in the Chapel Hill and RDU area.

Jeanette has a heart for mentorship, leadership development, and shepherding young women. She’d rather be at the beach or in her garden right now. Andrew loves teaching and studying the Bible, the intersection of faith and culture, and helping young men follow Jesus. He enjoys long-distance trail running and will one day build a cabin in the NC woods.

about Cru City

We want to reflect Jesus for the good of the city with a desire that we would all find our place in God’s story. The Embark Network of Cru City specifically cares for the journey of twenty-somethings in cities across the US.

join our team

Want to support citypath by joining our team of ministry partners? Drop us an email to set up a time to talk or click the link below.


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